A quadriplegic professor and writer, John Walker proves that humans are capable of much more than we think, if we have the will for it.
My film's subject will be Prof. John Walker, a professor at Victory (formerly known as Crichton) and a writer. He is a quadriplegic who has been hospitalized after having cancer, then pneumonia. After becoming paralyzed as a child, he found a new love for books and writing, which has led to his profession and hobby. Despite, his setbacks, he has a constant will to continue writing and teaching, spreading his fascination to others.
- Background of past – short bio
- Description of accident
- Present occupation/ hobbies
- Conflict- current condition/ setbacks
- Resolution- using setbacks to make stories/ accomplishments
Unable to carry out normal activities without difficulty
Unable to write while in the hospital, and unable to teach. Basically homeless.
Pitied by others but not seen past the disability
Show how he has overcome these difficulties and accomplished more than most.
- Parallel stories from other points-of-view (peers, family, students, nurses, etc.)
- Juxtaposition of B-roll: pictures, locations
- Ending paragraph of one of stories being read, visuals to match or text from the story
- Or, confessions by others of how he has influenced them; their stories of turning bad situations into something useful.
I will present at least 5 different interviews of Mr. Walker and several others who have known him. I'll interview at least one close friend, one student, one fellow teacher, one nurse, and one family member. I will ask them about how they came to know him and what their thoughts were on him, as well as how he changed their life. I will ask Mr. Walker about his past and how he came to be a quadriplegic as well as how it has changed his life. I also will show pictures from the past, and hopefully some B-roll of locations such as the hospitals he's been at recently, as well as the school. I will also see if he has any footage of the past, such as home videos.
My intent is to show how easily we give up sometimes, we make excuses or feel sorry for ourselves rather than try. Through this documentary, I hope that my audience will feel that they don't have to be extraordinary to do what they really want, and should be satisfied with what they have, regardless of difficulties. Humans are capable of so much, and the strength of one's will determines how fulfilling one's life can be.

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